Hot Tailwind Tips
Over here at Tailwind Nutrition, we have many tips up our sleeve, but this one might be the one people underestimate the most. Hot Tailwind Endurance Fuel and Recovery Mix are game changers! And you don’t have to live in a frigid area to enjoy the benefits. Here is the rundown on the best way to fuel and recover in the chilly months:
Best Hot Flavors
Endurance Fuel:
Recovery Mix:
Usage: Hot Endurance Fuel
Boil some water in your kettle or on the stove. Fill your vessel accordingly with Endurance Fuel (we recommend 2-3 scoops/20oz/hr). Once your water is boiled let it cool down. Once it is a palatable temperature pour it in with your Endurance Fuel, shake, and go! Another great option is to bring hot water in a thermos to the trailhead and mix it right before you get going.
Depending on the temperature outside and your vessel, you may not need to boil your water. Some people use hot tap water.
If you are using a soft flask, do not boil the water! The soft flask will get extremely hot to the touch. We recommend using an insulated bottle, especially when running.
Exercise caution when prepping your hot Endurance Fuel. Folks in Alaska winters may need to boil the water so it is not chilled in 10 minutes. If you are in a more moderate climate, warm water from the tap should do.
Usage: Recovery Mix
Mix 16 ounces of hot water with 2 scoops (1 single-serving pack) of Recovery Mix, and shake. We like to bring hot water in a thermos to the trailhead so we can whip up hot Recovery when we get back to the car. If you are camping or on a nomadic stint, using a camp stove is a great way to make extra hot Recovery Mix on the go–if you’re into that. Our favorite way to spice up our recovery is with our favorite milk. Heat up your milk of choice, toss in your Recovery Mix, shake, and get sipping.
We do not recommend mixing your Recovery Mix in hot water or milk in a pan over a flame like you would with hot cocoa. It might get funky.
Toss in your favorite add-in like cinnamon or a shot of espresso for an extra kick!
Happy sipping!