Racing through Summer with Trailblazer Liz Carrington

How has your summer been, Liz? My summer season has gotten off to a great start! I'm racing for the Honey Stinger/Bontrager mountain bike team, so between them and Tailwind I've got my nutrition covered. I've had one of my best seasons so far, with a 1st Co-Ed Duo at 12 Hours of Mesa Verde, 1st at Rat Race XC in Ridgway, CO, and then a 1st at Bailey Hundo!

What else have you been getting into? I'm changing it up a bit this year and have started some serious trail running. I went from 0 miles January 1st to running rim to rim in the Grand Canyon (24 miles, 10K elevation) this May 19. I caught the running bug and have signed up to run the Grand Traverse later in September: Day 1 40-mile run Crested Butte to Aspen, and Day 2 MTB ride from Aspen back to Crested Butte. My dog Sheila has been my hiking/running partner and she also loves to drink my Tailwind (even though I don't think dogs need electrolytes? She doesn't care!).
How has Tailwind enhanced your performance? Tailwind has been a huge help this year. The more I use it, the less I rely on other types of food during races, which takes a lot of guesswork out of the day. I just prep my bottles and I am set all day. I have a history of not performing well in hot weather, and this year has proved to be a hot one. But I've been able to train/race at higher intensity, for longer hours, with no stomach issues, cramping, bonking, dehydration, etc. It has been great, and my results so far this year show it! I have already had to re-order more Tailwind as I also have my husband drinking it (the Orange flavor is his favorite) faster than me! And that is saying a lot because he has been a Gatorade drinker his whole life!