30 Minute Movement Workout with Anne Hyman
Another great 30 min. workout with Tailwind Trailblazer Anne Hyman. This is an effective bodyweight workout with step-by-step instructions from Anne on form and technique; you'll only need a mat, a full water bottle, and a small hand towel.


  • March in place
  • Wide-leg march
  • Leg swings
  • High knees
  • Jumping jacks

Mobility and Activation

  • “Rainbows” with hand towel
  • Side stretch “rainbows” with hand towel
  • Hip bridges
  • 90-90s with the legs
  • World’s Greatest Stretch

Functional Workout

2 sets of 10 reps, 30 second rest between each of the following moves:
  • Overhead squat superset with hand towel
  • Squat jumps
  • Decline chair push ups

TAILWIND Spelling Lesson

3 sets: 1 with both feet on ground, 1 balancing on left leg, 1 balancing on right leg Hinge at the waist and keep knees soft. Brace core, and spell T-A-I-L-W-I-N-D with arms stretched out wide.

Functional Workout

1 set of 10 reps, 30 second rest between each of the following moves:
  • Side lunge to balance with overhead press, 10 on each side
  • Single leg deadlift, 10 on each side
1 set of 30 seconds, 30 second rest between each of the following moves:
  • Side planks with chair and foot taps, 30 seconds each side
  • Russian twists with water bottle


  • Cobra stretch into child's pose
  • Leg twists with knees bent
  • Straight leg hamstring stretch
  • Shoulder stretches with hugging arm to body


Working on mobility and stability of lateral muscles should be added into any athlete’s schedule to help with form and injury prevention. Don’t forget to follow up your workout with Rebuild!

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