30 Minute Movement Workout with Anne Hyman
Another great 30 min. workout with Tailwind Trailblazer Anne Hyman. This is an effective bodyweight workout with step-by-step instructions from Anne on form and technique; you'll only need a mat, a full water bottle, and a small hand towel.
- March in place
- Wide-leg march
- Leg swings
- High knees
- Jumping jacks
Mobility and Activation
- “Rainbows” with hand towel
- Side stretch “rainbows” with hand towel
- Hip bridges
- 90-90s with the legs
- World’s Greatest Stretch
Functional Workout
2 sets of 10 reps, 30 second rest between each of the following moves:- Overhead squat superset with hand towel
- Squat jumps
- Decline chair push ups
TAILWIND Spelling Lesson
3 sets: 1 with both feet on ground, 1 balancing on left leg, 1 balancing on right leg Hinge at the waist and keep knees soft. Brace core, and spell T-A-I-L-W-I-N-D with arms stretched out wide.Functional Workout
1 set of 10 reps, 30 second rest between each of the following moves:- Side lunge to balance with overhead press, 10 on each side
- Single leg deadlift, 10 on each side
- Side planks with chair and foot taps, 30 seconds each side
- Russian twists with water bottle
- Cobra stretch into child's pose
- Leg twists with knees bent
- Straight leg hamstring stretch
- Shoulder stretches with hugging arm to body